The Operator Account Master list is located here.  If you do not know your account information, or you need information for fellow staff members, please look here.  The Excel Workbook is organized by Operator -- just look for the appropriate tab.

If you find that you do not have an account, please see the solution article "Adding or Revoking SharePoint Access" for instructions on how to get an account.  You can also fill out this form on the behalf of other users.  If you need to request access to Secure School Data, then you will need to fill out the SharePoint Access Form in SharePoint to accomplish this.

*Update, July 19, 2016:*  You can now request Secure School Data Access on behalf of another user here in the Help Desk.  Either method is accepted, but with the SharePoint Access Form in SharePoint, you can request an Account and Secure School Data Access in one form.

I will update the Operator Accounts file every two weeks.

Latest update:  March 16, 2017