When schools have remanded students to an alternative school, the following options are available when setting up transportation:

MATA Bus Transportation

  • For middle and high school students, Operators can provide discounted MATA bus passes, where students would be required to have a bus ID card and the bus pass to ride the MATA bus to and from the assigned alternative school.  Detailed instructions on the process of securing the discounted MATA bus passes can be found in the following solution article:  Contracting with MATA for Alternative Education Transportation

Durham Bus Transportation

  • For elementary and middle schools students, Operators have the option of utilizing Durham School Services to provide transportation to the remanded students' assigned alternative school.

  1. If the school/Operator wants to determine if an existing bus route can also transport their remanded student in an effort to minimize cost, a transportation request would need to be submitted via a Help Desk ticket to the Operations Group and attach a completed Transportation Request Template.
    1. If it is determined that an existing bus route can be utilized, the Sr. Director of Operations will notify the school/Operator in the response to the help desk ticket with the bus route information.
    2. If it is determined that an existing bus route can't be utilized, the school/Operator will need to identify another option for providing transportation.
  2. If the school/Operator wants to set up a new bus route to transport remanded student(s) to their assigned school, a transportation request would need to be submitted via a Help Desk ticket to the Operations Group with a completed Transportation Request Template attached and indicating the need for a new bus route.

Other Transportation Services

  • Schools/Operators also have the option to provide transportation for remanded students to alternative schools utilizing other transportation providers and services, such as:
  1. Other certified bus service companies
  2. Taxicab services


We have schools/Operators that have utilized each of the options listed above. If you are interested in learning more about their experience or have other suggestions for better options, please start a discussion in the Community Forum so we can collectively determine the best and most cost effective options.